
What are Chromecast Offers?

What are Chromecast offers?

The Chromecast has been out for nearly 4 years and has changed they way we watch TV.  It is currently in it’s third iteration and is now capable of casting videos in beautiful 4k resolution.  One of the hidden gems of owning a Chromecast is that from time to time, Google gives away free stuff!  Each Chromecast device that you own is eligible for Chromecast offers.

What sort of Chromecast offers are there?

Throughout it’s lifespan, there have been many different free items available from Google.  From a free 3 month trial of Play Music, to just simply giving away free movies.  We’ve seen Google giveaway $20 in play credit and free Hulu trials.  The Chromecast offers can vary from time to time and you just never know what Google is going to giveaway next.

Are all of my Chromecast devices eligible for offers?

The short answer is yes but it depends on the offer.  Offers that give you some sort of credit can typically be redeemed on multiple Chromecast devices.  If you are signing up for a free trial for something such as Play music or Netflix, then you will only be able to redeem the Chromecast offer from one device.  If you have already signed up for one of these services in the past, most likely you won’t be eligible to redeem the offer as well.

Do competing devices have a similar program?

Most Chromecast competitors don’t have an offer program like the Chromecast does.  If you own an Amazon FireTV product, then from time to time Amazon will offer discounts on certain goods purchased from when ordered through your FireTV.  In order to take advantage of these offers, you will most likely need an Amazon prime subscription.

How can I check to see if there are any Chromecast offers available?

It’s a pretty simple process to determine if you have any Chromecast offers available.  Simply browse to this website to check.  We’ll be publishing a full guide soon to help you with this process.